There are a few things, the majority of which deal with the over-consumption of alcohol and other substances, that run rampant in a college town. With graduation nearing, I've compiled a short, sweet little list of some of the things that are near and dear to me... things that will be sorely missed when I leave Pullman for the real world.

2. The morning of November 1st. There's nothing funnier than seeing slutty Tinkerbell, slutty Bo Peep or slutty anything-you-can-think-of wandering the streets, hair mussed and stilettos in hand. It's satisfying to know that while you're on your way to class, they're pretty much on their way to hell. Though, it's a little less funny when people are staring at you, still dressed in your Dorothy outfit, dragging a stuffed Toto and ruby red slippers across the parking lot, face full of shame and regret...
3. Remembering your night in increments.
12:00 PM, waking up after a particularly rough Saturday night- What a night!! Drinking, fun with the friends, laughing, dancing. I love college.
1:30 PM, flipping through your history book- Oh my God, did I do a keg stand last night! Yep, pretty sure I did. I wonder how long I lasted? I hope no one saw up my skirt... Ha, who cares, I was wearing underwear. I think...
2:06 PM, watching an episode of Weeds- Wait, did I smoke weed last night? Yeah, I think I remember that... All in a good night!
3:15 PM, picking your belongings up off of the floor, where you threw them last night- Why is my camera all scratched? Shit, I totally fell down the stairs again, didn't I? At least it didn't leave marks this time...
4:10 PM, taking a shower- Wait, what are all these bruises from? Ugh, stairs.
5:31 PM, loading a new Facebook album- Ha, look at all of them dancing on the poles! Sluts. I'm glad I wasn't that out of control.
5:40 PM, Facebook notification- I'm tagged in a video? Oh, it's last night! Wait, what am I... oh God. Why am I on the pole? Why am I upside down? And I'm in a skirt, great. Oh fuck, there's my underwear.
4. The thrill of playing textbook Russian Roulette. To buy, or not to buy. Sure, you can be one of those kids who orders all their books before the semester starts and has them waiting for them the weekend before class... but really, who does that? Instead, I think it's fun to not buy the book until you absolutely have to. Like the night before the assignments due. Yeah, ok, you might get screwed and the book might be sold out... but on the bright side, you might go the whole semester without ever needing said book... Then you won't feel so guilty for spending your book money on cheap vodka and cigarettes.
5. Being a guest in your own home. Who doesn't love going home and having Mom and Dad fawn all over you, cooking your favorite foods, making your bed and whatnot? Their happiness to see you usually wears off around 9 PM when you decide you'd rather go drinking with your friends at a local pub than play Scrabble, but hey. It was fun while it lasted. Also- free laundry.
6. There is an abundance of people your age. No matter your taste or sexual preference, there are quite literally thousands of students to pique your interest. You like the athletic boys? Join the ranks of some of the nations best jersey chasers by hanging around the gym in your cutest Pink! sweats, or frequent the football/basketball/baseball parties, hair teased and heels high. Athletes not your style? Try the frat-tastic jackasses on Greek Row. They're the ones wearing the matching sweatshirts, or flamboyantly colored Polos and A&F tees, laughing and yelling and reveling in each other's magnificence. More into the Goth culture? I'm sure they hang around the art building, or something...
7. There's always the possibility of being part of a deep conversation. You haven't lived until you've discussed what Neitzsche really meant when he said, "God is dead," at 3 in the morning, with your roommates shacking buddy, after 6 beers and 3 vodka crans. Oh, the enlightenment.
8. You have no real responsibilities. Sure, you might have a part time job, and yeah, your calculus class is probably pretty rough, but largely, life is good. If you mess up on someone's order of Clucks and Fries, no one's going to die. And if you fail calc? Take it again. Oh, you've already failed it once? Perhaps you should try a less strenuous major, like General Studies. And maybe pick up some extra shifts at Red Robin...
9. You can drink excessively, act like a total ass, and no one's judging. When else in life is it socially acceptable to drink until you are impaired in almost every plane of existence? I'll tell you where, no where! Unless you were raised by a bunch of alcoholics, in which case, Thirsty Thursdays are nothing but a review. In college, people pay no attention to the idiot falling down the stairs, stumbling around, pushing and groping unsuspecting passersby. Who's that? Oh, that's Billy. He shot-gunned like, 8 beers an hour ago. Fucking awesome, right? Next he's gonna beer bong a fifth of Jack! Epic!!!
10. I was drunk, is always a valid excuse. This won't work forever, but for now, you can explain to your roommates that you didn't do the dishes, because you were drunk. To your partners in econ, you can explain that while you started your part of the paper, you didn't finish it, because you were drunk. You said something offensive to your friend? Well, you were really drunk, so, actually, you didn't mean it. People won't always like this answer, but they'll sure as hell respect it. But I'm betting your boss, your spouse, and your children will not be so understanding...
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